Ditch News

End of Season Water Off Date

The water will be shut off for the season on Monday, October 14th. There will be no water in the ditch by the 15th.

Work on the Grant Project will begin immediately thereafter.


July 1st Monthly Meeting Cancelled

The July 1st monthly meeting at Syringa Hall has been cancelled.

Our next meeting will be Monday, August 5th.


Mudslide Repair Update

The canal has been repaired.  A half allotment of water has been turned on this morning.  A full allotment of water should be available by tomorrow (June 16th) so shareholders can catch up on their irrigating.

Moss is already bad, so we will de-moss on Monday, June 24th. Please close headgates by Sunday night, June 23rd. The full allotment of water should be ready again by Wednesday, June 26th.

Remember nothing should be in the ditch to impede water flow or on the bank to hinder SCDC passage.

Thank you for your patience


Mudslide Repair Notification

To all Squaw Creek Ditch Company (SCDC) Shareholders:

Unfortunately, Nature delivered the SCDC a mudslide this week that needs to be repaired as soon as possible given its extensive damage. The slide is located on the Ditch just above the West Dam. This area of the Ditch is extremely hard to get to. The slide completely filled the West ditch of debris that has since been cleared. As a result of the slide, the Squaw Creek Ditch bank in this area is nearly gone. Unless repaired, it is our fear that any additional stress on the remaining bank will result in a breach of the entire ditch. In order to complete the repair and to maintain the integrity of the entire ditch, we will need to shut off water to the ditch near the middle of this upcoming week (June 11-12). This will allow for repair of the site. The water will be off approximately a week.

We know this is an extremely bad time of year to be shutting off water – but we have little choice. We cannot control Nature nor can we let this repair wait. If you have any questions, please let us know by phone or email – 208-991-2649 or squawcreekditch@gmail.org.


2024 Ditch Water Start Date

The ditch water will be turned on Monday, April 15th. It will take a few days for the ditch to fill.  As is normal, there could be some debris in the water.


Annual Meeting Notice

Monday, February 5, 2024, at 7:00 P.M.
Syringa Hall – Sweet, Idaho

The Board looks forward to seeing Shareholders at the Annual Meeting. Prior to the Meeting, following are items for your consideration:

• Drop us an email at squawcreekditch@gmail.com to update contact information
including your phone and email details.

• If you receive this notice, and your property has sold – the title transfer may not have

• Should you have questions, comments, or concerns that you would like to bring to the attention of the Board or other shareholders, please let us know about these prior to the meeting by sending an email to squawcreekditch@gmail.com.

• If you want to review last year’s Meeting Minutes prior to this year’s Annual Meeting, you can find them on the website.

• If you wish to proxy your voting shares, please submit a Proxy Authorization Form
(found on the website) to the Board. Keep in mind, that pursuant to Article V, Section
3 of the Bylaws of the Squaw Creek Ditch Company, the Form must be submitted to
the Company prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting.

• We will be doing “robo” call notifications for the Meeting from telephone number:

Thank you in advance for your review of these items.
Marian (Melanie) Condon, Treasurer
Squaw Creek Ditch Company


End of Season: Water off 10/15

We are approaching the end of the season and the water will be turned off October 15.


Demossing Scheduled for 7/9

The ditch will undergo demossing on Sunday 7/9 and the water will be shut down. Please close head gates on Saturday. Water will be back on Monday and can reopen the head gates then. Sorry for the inconvenience.


2023 Water is On

Update: The water has been turned on. From LeAnn Carlsen: 2023 Water on April 26-27. Rain and mountain run off slowed projects and water startup. There were 3 rock slides in the canyon, the flume received some repairs, a new culvert and headgates were replaced, and the canal was cleaned end to end. Rick Link, his crew and volunteers worked tirelessly to get the canal ready. Here’s to a successful season!



2023 Rates Announced

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL STOCKHOLDERS that at the annual meeting of the stockholders held on February 6, 2023, resulted in the same rate as prior year, and an Annual Assessment of $25.00 per acre/share and an Account Fee of $300.00 per Shareholder was levied upon the stockholders of the Company.

A full listing of all fees can be found here.

Invoices to the shareholders were emailed and mailed out. Payments should be received in our PO Box 16, no later than March 15, 2023. A 12% late fee will be imposed if not paid by April 15, 2023.

To be a part of these meetings and have your vote count, please attend every first Monday in February.